An Important Message from the Author

The Bigger Picture

I think back to my work as a private detective in the 1980’s, long before the advent of the Internet, today’s smartphones, GPS, instant communication and the ubiquitous use of computers. It was a time where brains and finesse were a requirement, and shoe leather of the busy detective was worn into the gritty pavement. Telephone directories, city and county directories (including the popular Criss-Cross Directory), and files on microfilm and paper courthouse records were a constant source of data. Contacts inside various government agencies, from police departments to the DMV  were also unspoken assets.

It was still a time when you needed a paper folding map to navigate the streets of an unfamiliar area, and a pocket-full of dimes and a public pay telephone if you needed to call home.

It was simpler time by today’s standards. People did not have the ability to communicate their life stories, post pictures of their family and friends, or publish their daily plans for all to see. It was still a time of relative innocence, despite the obvious problems with the official narrative surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Vietnam, Watergate, the Iran-Contra affair, the Iran hostage crisis, and so on. The operative word used deliberately here is relative, for we all seem to awaken to certain truths at different times in our lives.

Although I attended and graduated from a Catholic seminary, I was blind to the machinations of the Vatican. Also, I knew little of the scandals that were about to become known about the abuses within the church, and certainly never myself experienced any such abuse nor did I witness the same. I certainly knew church history, but not the Holy Bible. I was taught to respect my monsignor and cardinal, and revere the pope more than I was taught about Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. For me, that would come later and through other means.

As I left the seminary and progressed into my various jobs and careers, I essentially believed what everyone else believed. I took much at face value, too busy making a living and raising a family to question what I believed and the basis of my beliefs. By the time I was in my early twenties, I had seen a lot of death in my career in emergency management, from my work in the fire department and a medical rescue squad in my city. I was more familiar with death than I was of life.

Growing weary of that lifestyle, I decided to pursue a career as a police officer. After taking and passing various tests, I was accepted by the New York City Police Department and a large municipal police department in Florida. I was later denied employment by both based on a physical impairment, and ultimately became a licensed private investigator. I excelled in that work and opened my own agency. I spent thirty years in that capacity, specializing in surveillance, insurance fraud, and expanding into the forensic discipline of bloodstain pattern analysis and its physical characteristics. I also worked as an informational and operational asset for various federal and state law enforcement agencies, but was never employed by any of them. I made important contacts and developed deep friendships with many in those venues.

When the attacks of 9/11 happened, I began to pay more attention to world events. I wanted to use my skills as an investigator in any way possible in the service of my country, especially since there were people who I knew that lost their lives at the World Trade Center. I was fortunate (perhaps not the right word) to see firsthand behind the scenes the carnage in lower Manhattan. I’ll never forget seeing the evidence of death and destruction that existed behind the barriers of yellow tape and cement barriers. I’ll never forget seeing men and women weeping as they placed stuffed animals and notes at the scene, some in memory of their loved ones, and others still looking for them.

In my desire to help, I organized a loose group of private detectives across the U.S. who were at the tops of their fields, such as Internet profiling and email tracing,and even some with amazing “hacking” and infiltration abilities. A few spoke foreign languages, including Arabic and Farsi. We adopted the name “Northeast Intelligence Network” and established a website. Individually and collectively, we successfully infiltrated terrorist websites and websites sympathetic to terrorists, providing the FBI, CIA and other agencies information about domestic threats.

From 2002 through 2006, we worked diligently. As time progressed, however, we began to notice a few things that were disturbing on many levels. We began to “bump heads” with government agents who were already on the inside of many Internet venues, some who were actually and inexplicably fanning the flames of violence against the U.S. When we attempted to reveal such instances, we were “warned off” by the very agencies were we serving.

It was sometime in 2006 that we officially disbanded our group because, as one investigator so aptly stated, “I can’t tell the good guys from the terrorists.” I continued in other ways, reporting on our findings to the public. I had conducted investigation and surveillance of Islamic paramilitary training compounds inside the United States, making my alarming findings public. It was during this time that I realized that not everything was as it appeared to be. It was also during this time that I stopped relying on political pundits and network news for my information, choosing instead to conduct my own research and investigation of events.

Although I could go in-depth on my numerous findings relative to historical and current events (and do so on my radio show and on my websites), I feel the need to address something more pressing and exponentially more important, especially considering the times in which we now live.

Have you ever felt like you’re missing something, even though you seem to have all of the knowledge and information about a particular topic or event? Have you ever felt like certain events you’re seeing take place in the world just don’t make sense? Have you considered your own life and mortality, wondering about your purpose in life? I have.

Regarding my questions, I have discovered that you will never understand current and historical events unless and until you look through the lens of Biblical prophecy and scripture. Only then will things begin to make sense.

It was during this later time in my life that I realized that despite identifying myself as a Christian, my life did not reflect the life of a true Christian. It was also during this time that I met some of the most remarkable men of faith on the planet. Through my relationships with men such as Steve Quayle, Pastor David Lankford, Russ Dizdar and others, I have since committed my life to Jesus Christ, proclaiming him as my Lord and Savior.

Are we living in the end of days as prophesied in the Holy Bible? Based on my own investigation and research, I suspect we are. However, it does not take a detective to realize the lateness of the hour. Accordingly, I ask that you commit your life to the one true God of the Bible and ask Jesus into your life. There is only one way into heaven, one path for eternal salvation, and that’s through Jesus Christ.

What does this have to do with my book, Stained by Blood? Plenty.

During the time period depicted in my book, I was hardly a committed Christian. I did not understand the bigger picture, although I knew that good and evil existed. In many ways, it was that particular time in my life that set me on my path of understanding the importance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and that we must look at events through a Biblical perspective to gain true understanding.

It set me on a path that helped me open my eyes to a world that exists around us, but few see, and even fewer understand.
